Monday, November 23, 2009

What time means to me

Time is an odd thing. It is said to come and go, but it is never really anywhere, or everywhere as some believe. I know that time is a construct based on observation of the periodic functions of a local universe. Yet even this hypothetical description has no meat on no bones. Time both is and is not. It is only a measure of an awareness of existence by intervals of attention. November 22 was Thanksgiving when I was younger. Thanksgiving always came on November 22. Just as Washington's birthday, Lincoln's birthday, Christmas, and so on. New changes to old ways never seem to make life much better. The term, "state of the art" sums it up, since it transcends the warping of time as a standard by the crafty minds of experts.
Clocks have become more and more accurate since their invention and general use. Yet one common factor in all clocks remains to be their variation when compared relatively over time as an absolute. (Supposing it to be so) Thus, if time were to be better defined it would be a record of successive approximations to an absolute which is it's own negation.
No clock is more accurate than one which does not exist.

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