Saturday, August 08, 2009

Why is Feudalism no longer valid?

As the world becomes more populated and communications more pervasive, older elements of human social systems become tested under the weight of sustainability.

A very good online course is offered at Fordham University via their website. The following medieval history course offered in 1998 is an example of a garden plot of issues confronting modern changes to older ways.


So what can anyone offer for an argument that Feudalism is losing validity as an authority in modern life under modern law?

Chapter 18 titled, "Class 18 Secular Society: The Aristocratic Culture and Peasant Life", is somewhere in the meta temporal region where the American Constitution broke away from the empires of Europe leaving choices of government open to the sources of past success and failure.

The one advance in theoretical thought that predicted the mathematics of future development, was Harmonic Series Analysis, (or so it is my belief).


How is this my belief?

It was stated somewhere that the troubadors of the Old World were responsible for altering the views of feudal courts.

Music is a product of a harmonic system, and can be analysed by Fourier Transforms. Both music and Fourier transforms of harmonics have been in existence for a thousand years or so.

If the failure of intuition to come to a valid deductive conclusion leads to error, what is assumed to be a remedy?

The rise of Hedonism is an example of a harmonic series transformation resulting in an oscillation.

In the theories that make radio work, the destructive aspect of harmonics (sympathetic frequencies) become feedback loop screeching.

Thus, the boom and bust aspect of human life resembles a symphony of harmonics that can have meaning or simply be mean.

Extremism, compromise. radicalism, socialism, feudalism, etc. are descriptive terms of process.

If they (events of process) are subject to series analysis as deductive reasoning, can they inductively and accurately predict in time?

Broadcasting is not shouting in the same sense of the word meaning to raise one's voice. Yet the amplification of sound by electrical energy as alternating current is no new phenomenon.

What does a megaphone do that an amplified audio system does not and how are they different?

I think it has to with rates of rates.

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