Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Maybe this will help

"Most programming languages, even those that do not have an explicit

Boolean type, have support for Boolean algebra operations such as

conjunction (AND, &, *), disjunction (OR, |, +), equivalence (EQV, =,

==), exclusive or/non-equivalence (XOR, NEQV, ^), and not (NOT, ~, !)."


To this day, Boolean values are commonly represented by integers in C

programs. The comparison operators (' > ', '==', etc.) are defined to

return a signed integer (int) result, either zero (for false) or

nonzero (for true). The Boolean operators (&&, ||) and conditional

statements (if, while) in C operate on integer values, with the same

interpretation. For example, the following C code

int t = (x > y);
if (t) { printf("True!\n");}
else { printf("False!\n"); }

is equivalent to

int t;
if (x > y) { t = -1; }
else { t = 0; }
if (t != 0) { printf("True!\n"); }
else { printf("False!\n"); }

However, since the C language standards allow the result of a

comparison to be any non-zero value, the statement if(t==1){...} is not

equivalent to if(t){...} or to if(t!=0){...}.

Since C standards mandate that 0 be interpreted as the null pointer

when used in a pointer context or cast to a pointer, one can test

whether a pointer is non-null by the statement if(p){...} instead of

if(p!=NULL){...} — although some code styles discourage this shorthand.

One can also write if(x){...} when x is a floating-point value, to mean


For convenience, many programmers and C header files use C's typedef

facility to define a Boolean type (which may be named Boolean, boolean,

bool, etc.). The Boolean type may be just an alias for a numeric type

like int or char. In that case, programmers often define also macros

for the true and false values. For example,

typedef int bool;
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE (-1)
bool f = FALSE;
if (f) { ... }

The defined values of the TRUE and FALSE macros must be adequate for

the chosen Boolean type. Note that, on the now common two's complement

computer architectures, the signed value -1 is converted to a non-zero

value (~0, the bit-wise complement of zero) when cast to an unsigned

type, or assigned to an unsigned variable.

Another common choice is to define the Boolean type as an enumerated

type (enum) allows naming elements in the language of choice. For

example, the following code uses the English names FALSE and TRUE as

possible values of the type boolean. In this case, care must be taken

so that the false value is represented internally as a zero integer:

typedef enum { FALSE, TRUE } boolean;
boolean b = FALSE;
if (b) { ... }

Again, since a true result may be any non-zero value, the tests

if(t==TRUE){...} and if(t), which are equivalent in other languages,

are not equivalent in C.


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