Time is an odd thing. It is said to come and go, but it is never really anywhere, or everywhere as some believe. I know that time is a construct based on observation of the periodic functions of a local universe. Yet even this hypothetical description has no meat on no bones. Time both is and is not. It is only a measure of an awareness of existence by intervals of attention. November 22 was Thanksgiving when I was younger. Thanksgiving always came on November 22. Just as Washington's birthday, Lincoln's birthday, Christmas, and so on. New changes to old ways never seem to make life much better. The term, "state of the art" sums it up, since it transcends the warping of time as a standard by the crafty minds of experts.
Clocks have become more and more accurate since their invention and general use. Yet one common factor in all clocks remains to be their variation when compared relatively over time as an absolute. (Supposing it to be so) Thus, if time were to be better defined it would be a record of successive approximations to an absolute which is it's own negation.
No clock is more accurate than one which does not exist.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Fractured Wittgenstein
Having fun with text processing can produce some intersting results.
For example, I took some lines from, "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus", by Ludwig Wittgenstein. (I got a free copy.)
Then ran the lines through a processing application, and here're some results:
Written into picture reality is a model sum total of the world.A situation that occurred in picture presents a sort of states that are independent and non logical in the space of the existence of affairs.A situation in a picture would seem to ourselves presented as facts, while determining that which existing states and non existence in the totality of affairs do not exist and could already be the possibility of logical space.Any few words of a sentence with a sense of reality constitutes its truth, disagreement, agreement, or falsity.What constitutes truth is disagreement or agreement with falsity in order to tell whether a picture is true or its sense false. So, we must compare it with reality.
And another subtended by a quote from a TV series with source credit.
What I confirm is by the fact that every proposition possesses one of its truth-conditions. Logic is not necessary in order to make an
inference from existence and non-existence. That man possesses the ability to construct languages capable of translating each pthematic
proposition of mathematics must go without saying. The method of determining the sense of the form, Thou shalt... Is laid against reality
like a space of possible states of affairs. It is impossible to infer that it signifies an object, but rather of the propositions that stood
if the true proposition is language. A tautology leaves open for its construction what is exactly at the same time; that is to think of the
same thing, as the same thing; to wit nothing.
The determinate way in which I consider two expressions connected by the fact that we use it and that some thing is in fact completely
congruent, and is only in default of certainty--if our knowledge of the most general form of an operation is the description of the variable
and becomes a proposition. It is unthinkable that its arguments shall have imposed a unified form on the other side of the constituents-- by
the configuration of simple signs, and so on. Objects contain the possibility of each individual case disclosing something about the world
as a variable. A proposition must already contain the verb. Every proposition is not possible, therefore, to introduce a new sense of The
correct explanation of the inference.
Indeed, it exists in one-dimensional space in which the propositions alone, (still less signs for relations), are Truth-functions and are
not primitive signs leading to arguments of the apparent logical constants also occuring in the negative sense.
Can we set up a form of a specific notation so that The fact that the symbol in p and not f(a,b) yields Pa = b? They contradict one another,
and We call the existence or non-existence of another or not another.
"Rubbish I say. Pure and utter rubbish." -The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, ©BBC Worldwide Ltd 2002
For example, I took some lines from, "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus", by Ludwig Wittgenstein. (I got a free copy.)
Then ran the lines through a processing application, and here're some results:
Written into picture reality is a model sum total of the world.A situation that occurred in picture presents a sort of states that are independent and non logical in the space of the existence of affairs.A situation in a picture would seem to ourselves presented as facts, while determining that which existing states and non existence in the totality of affairs do not exist and could already be the possibility of logical space.Any few words of a sentence with a sense of reality constitutes its truth, disagreement, agreement, or falsity.What constitutes truth is disagreement or agreement with falsity in order to tell whether a picture is true or its sense false. So, we must compare it with reality.
And another subtended by a quote from a TV series with source credit.
What I confirm is by the fact that every proposition possesses one of its truth-conditions. Logic is not necessary in order to make an
inference from existence and non-existence. That man possesses the ability to construct languages capable of translating each pthematic
proposition of mathematics must go without saying. The method of determining the sense of the form, Thou shalt... Is laid against reality
like a space of possible states of affairs. It is impossible to infer that it signifies an object, but rather of the propositions that stood
if the true proposition is language. A tautology leaves open for its construction what is exactly at the same time; that is to think of the
same thing, as the same thing; to wit nothing.
The determinate way in which I consider two expressions connected by the fact that we use it and that some thing is in fact completely
congruent, and is only in default of certainty--if our knowledge of the most general form of an operation is the description of the variable
and becomes a proposition. It is unthinkable that its arguments shall have imposed a unified form on the other side of the constituents-- by
the configuration of simple signs, and so on. Objects contain the possibility of each individual case disclosing something about the world
as a variable. A proposition must already contain the verb. Every proposition is not possible, therefore, to introduce a new sense of The
correct explanation of the inference.
Indeed, it exists in one-dimensional space in which the propositions alone, (still less signs for relations), are Truth-functions and are
not primitive signs leading to arguments of the apparent logical constants also occuring in the negative sense.
Can we set up a form of a specific notation so that The fact that the symbol in p and not f(a,b) yields Pa = b? They contradict one another,
and We call the existence or non-existence of another or not another.
"Rubbish I say. Pure and utter rubbish." -The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, ©BBC Worldwide Ltd 2002
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Algebra as a complete philosophy
As I was wondering about the principles taught in today's schools in the domain of mathematics as algebra, I stumbled across this seeming illogical part of the fundamentals of it's rules.
It concerns the use of zero as a value in solving equations. Depending on how one defines zero, there are these obvious possibilities.
1) Zero is a place holder for an empty set.
2) Zero is a valueless quantifier.
3) Zero is actually an unknown since "nothing" is not rationally knowable except by delusion or absence.
I can remember the statement, "You are comparing apples and oranges."
Yet this is not an irrational not illogical premise.
Both apples and oranges are fruits. If in the set (domain) of fruits there are apples and oranges, and in a sample there are only apples, does that mean that oranges have no existence as an empty set?
Possibly conceivable. The set of all birds is a subset of flying creatures.
Pterodactyls and gooney birds are on record as having had an existence, but cannot be found in even one living example, thus nullifying the condition of being able to fly.
In the same sense, a stone thrown from and invisible source can be said to fly, but as far as we know it cannot fly by its own volition.
So, getting back to practical versus theoretical algebraic math, the reality of zero in a statement is valid by condition of definiton, and is not absolute in the sense of having a real existence, but merely an imaginary one.
Not too crazy since solving quadratic equations often produces imaginary roots. Do imaginary roots exist? Rationally yes. Existentially by common sensual verification only upon amplification have been verifed.
The best example of this I can think of now is the use of electromagnetic energy for communications. When radio was discovered by searching for evidence of invisible or undetectable effects under amplification and detection of electrical energy, Faraday did it by proving he could move something detectable over a distance without any evidence of a medium.
It was known that sound seemed to travel mysteriously through space, but the mechanism was not clear until sympathetic resonance was actually produced.
Chasing the mathematical logic of unseeable events became a favorite pastime of the curious, and oddly enough showed a glimmer of light in the imaginary and complex roots of quadratic equations.
However, zero remains an enigma in algebra and philosophy because it requires a relative construct to define it.
To exist or not to exist. That begs a question.
This is one question it begs: Does a false conclusion (answer, result) from a false equation (argument, formula) when it is in agreement within its range and domain of truth value, make a false conclusion valid in truth value?
In other words, is it possible to make something false appear to be true by relative agreement? Or, is it possible to replace true and false in a set of statements and remain a valid argument?
Oddly, yes. It is possible to say that false is true. We accept the value of "false" as self contradiction by assuming false to be true.
For example. "Is it true that the moon is made of green cheese?" If you say yes, you are not replying in truth. If you say "no", "That the Moon is not made of green cheese, then you are replying in truth by agreement, even if you still think the Moon might be made of green cheese or not.
Agreement is not a guarantee of the truth value of an argument in all cases, because we have to accept "false" as true.
To think that something is true or not must by necessity require a third value, "unknown". This is the existential argument for the existence of God in the Bible, that God does and does not exist, depending on the evidence to support the claim, which is faith.
It is written in the New Testament that Jesus did not think it robbery to be equal with God. Why? Because his being in existence did not nullify the argument of whether God exists or not.
The existence of any unknown is based on an assumption. How that assumption is formulated in thought or deed, is an approximation of its expected value.
Christianity thrives because the belief of the reality of the existence of Jesus is a best fit example of what God is. By any other name, the personification of an unknown or set of unknowns, remains valid only by consistent persistence over time. And also the fact that Jesus was accepted as human consistent with specifics; not a mere imaginary being. He had real flesh. bone and blood. Is matter equivalent to energy?
Energy equals mass (matter) multiplied by the square of the speed of light. Thus, if God is light; for God to become mortal, the value of the square root of the energy necessary to equivocate the existence of the mass of a mortal at the speed of light has to be in existence. That is, a 150 pound man multiplied by the speed of light, is about 27,900,ooo pound-miles per second. The Roman pantheon was named after planets as was the Greek. The Judeo-Christian Theos is a unitary, (or triune) spiritual entity.
What validates the assumpton is the Resurrection.
41:008:035 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.
41:008:036 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
41:008:037 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
58:004:011 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
58:004:012 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Religion is best understood, (to me) by searching its metaphysics compared to everyday life. If it succeeds it is true. If it fails, it is also true.
True and false are both true possibilities. True or false are a choice.
The moral values of truth and false named as good and evil, provide two more parameters for evaluation of statements and arguments.
A statement can be false and evil to be good and/or true, but true cannot be false, false can be true, (in that it is false), and good cannot be evil.
Thus, evil, even if true or false, cannot be good.
With this I thought, "what about black holes and the big bang?"
It occured to me that heat as energy is a more significant parameter than time in the extrapolation of event horizons.
Thus the big bang is nonsense and black holes are "colder" than absolute zero. This does not nullify the possibility that catastrophic events must occur. They do.
Tine and light are by definition an inseperable pair. No light, no time.
Heat and EMF (electromotive force), and gravity are products of the experience of life. No life, no humans, and no word for light or time.
Thus consciousness of light and time are relative to human existence. And as we can often assume that the perception of time, energy, gravity, and motion are common to life, the harmonies of their existence are common. Fish, for example, seem to suddenly become aware of air, lack of buoyancy, changes in the dynamics of a different medium compared to their familiar habitat.
Amphibians and reptiles (also birds) have their range and domain of function, yet outside of that set, a different set of parameters changes what is perceived.
I cannot assume that human consciousness will ever be a perfect and absolute child of the universe, yet the possibility of that, seems very plausible.
It concerns the use of zero as a value in solving equations. Depending on how one defines zero, there are these obvious possibilities.
1) Zero is a place holder for an empty set.
2) Zero is a valueless quantifier.
3) Zero is actually an unknown since "nothing" is not rationally knowable except by delusion or absence.
I can remember the statement, "You are comparing apples and oranges."
Yet this is not an irrational not illogical premise.
Both apples and oranges are fruits. If in the set (domain) of fruits there are apples and oranges, and in a sample there are only apples, does that mean that oranges have no existence as an empty set?
Possibly conceivable. The set of all birds is a subset of flying creatures.
Pterodactyls and gooney birds are on record as having had an existence, but cannot be found in even one living example, thus nullifying the condition of being able to fly.
In the same sense, a stone thrown from and invisible source can be said to fly, but as far as we know it cannot fly by its own volition.
So, getting back to practical versus theoretical algebraic math, the reality of zero in a statement is valid by condition of definiton, and is not absolute in the sense of having a real existence, but merely an imaginary one.
Not too crazy since solving quadratic equations often produces imaginary roots. Do imaginary roots exist? Rationally yes. Existentially by common sensual verification only upon amplification have been verifed.
The best example of this I can think of now is the use of electromagnetic energy for communications. When radio was discovered by searching for evidence of invisible or undetectable effects under amplification and detection of electrical energy, Faraday did it by proving he could move something detectable over a distance without any evidence of a medium.
It was known that sound seemed to travel mysteriously through space, but the mechanism was not clear until sympathetic resonance was actually produced.
Chasing the mathematical logic of unseeable events became a favorite pastime of the curious, and oddly enough showed a glimmer of light in the imaginary and complex roots of quadratic equations.
However, zero remains an enigma in algebra and philosophy because it requires a relative construct to define it.
To exist or not to exist. That begs a question.
This is one question it begs: Does a false conclusion (answer, result) from a false equation (argument, formula) when it is in agreement within its range and domain of truth value, make a false conclusion valid in truth value?
In other words, is it possible to make something false appear to be true by relative agreement? Or, is it possible to replace true and false in a set of statements and remain a valid argument?
Oddly, yes. It is possible to say that false is true. We accept the value of "false" as self contradiction by assuming false to be true.
For example. "Is it true that the moon is made of green cheese?" If you say yes, you are not replying in truth. If you say "no", "That the Moon is not made of green cheese, then you are replying in truth by agreement, even if you still think the Moon might be made of green cheese or not.
Agreement is not a guarantee of the truth value of an argument in all cases, because we have to accept "false" as true.
To think that something is true or not must by necessity require a third value, "unknown". This is the existential argument for the existence of God in the Bible, that God does and does not exist, depending on the evidence to support the claim, which is faith.
It is written in the New Testament that Jesus did not think it robbery to be equal with God. Why? Because his being in existence did not nullify the argument of whether God exists or not.
The existence of any unknown is based on an assumption. How that assumption is formulated in thought or deed, is an approximation of its expected value.
Christianity thrives because the belief of the reality of the existence of Jesus is a best fit example of what God is. By any other name, the personification of an unknown or set of unknowns, remains valid only by consistent persistence over time. And also the fact that Jesus was accepted as human consistent with specifics; not a mere imaginary being. He had real flesh. bone and blood. Is matter equivalent to energy?
Energy equals mass (matter) multiplied by the square of the speed of light. Thus, if God is light; for God to become mortal, the value of the square root of the energy necessary to equivocate the existence of the mass of a mortal at the speed of light has to be in existence. That is, a 150 pound man multiplied by the speed of light, is about 27,900,ooo pound-miles per second. The Roman pantheon was named after planets as was the Greek. The Judeo-Christian Theos is a unitary, (or triune) spiritual entity.
What validates the assumpton is the Resurrection.
41:008:035 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.
41:008:036 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
41:008:037 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
58:004:011 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
58:004:012 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Religion is best understood, (to me) by searching its metaphysics compared to everyday life. If it succeeds it is true. If it fails, it is also true.
True and false are both true possibilities. True or false are a choice.
The moral values of truth and false named as good and evil, provide two more parameters for evaluation of statements and arguments.
A statement can be false and evil to be good and/or true, but true cannot be false, false can be true, (in that it is false), and good cannot be evil.
Thus, evil, even if true or false, cannot be good.
With this I thought, "what about black holes and the big bang?"
It occured to me that heat as energy is a more significant parameter than time in the extrapolation of event horizons.
Thus the big bang is nonsense and black holes are "colder" than absolute zero. This does not nullify the possibility that catastrophic events must occur. They do.
Tine and light are by definition an inseperable pair. No light, no time.
Heat and EMF (electromotive force), and gravity are products of the experience of life. No life, no humans, and no word for light or time.
Thus consciousness of light and time are relative to human existence. And as we can often assume that the perception of time, energy, gravity, and motion are common to life, the harmonies of their existence are common. Fish, for example, seem to suddenly become aware of air, lack of buoyancy, changes in the dynamics of a different medium compared to their familiar habitat.
Amphibians and reptiles (also birds) have their range and domain of function, yet outside of that set, a different set of parameters changes what is perceived.
I cannot assume that human consciousness will ever be a perfect and absolute child of the universe, yet the possibility of that, seems very plausible.
Comparing recent and current events with Biblical rantings and ravings
If you are following the news media, you are probably aware of the turmoil in the world as it struggles to keep up with itself in the face of unpredictable natural catastrophe notwithstanding.
From the Old Testament Book of Haggai are the following concerns of the time...
Book 37 Haggai
"37:001:006 Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes.
37:001:007 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways."
From the Old Testament Book of Haggai are the following concerns of the time...
Book 37 Haggai
"37:001:006 Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes.
37:001:007 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways."
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tragedy of the Commons and associated consequences
For those predisposed to psychological treatment by hip-hype gnostics, consider this suggestive scenario...
The hypnotist says to the patient, "Imagine you are in a room. There are no lights, no windows and no doors or any ways in or out."
The patient obediently accepts the suggestion, settling into an imaginary repose of sensual handicap with a slight apprehension of entrapment.
The hypnotist then asks the parient, "How did you get in?"
What would be your response, if you were the patient?
For those predisposed to psychological treatment by hip-hype gnostics, consider this suggestive scenario...
The hypnotist says to the patient, "Imagine you are in a room. There are no lights, no windows and no doors or any ways in or out."
The patient obediently accepts the suggestion, settling into an imaginary repose of sensual handicap with a slight apprehension of entrapment.
The hypnotist then asks the parient, "How did you get in?"
What would be your response, if you were the patient?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Simple Budget tools
I'm not going to get academic about keeping a simple budget balanced, but some math tools make the counting easier. Knowing the lingo makes it easier.
Tool list
- Paper and pencil. Eraser if you know the truth.
- Calculator or skill in addition-subtraction, multiplication-division, percent, fractions.
- Calendar to keep track of time.
- Confidence in your ability to be honest with yourself.
- Know that computer equipment and software is expensive. Libraries, schools, and rich friends may let you compute in cyberspace if you don't own.
- Keeping running records of income, expenses, and current balance is the bottom line.
- Keeping a positive balance on your account record is the goal.
- Shop for insurance, a bank you can trust comfortably for your account level, and a safe place to keep copies of your records in case the dog eats your work.
- Matching your records with the records of those you do business with is how trust (and credit) are maintained. Excuses come in money, contracts, friends more or less, even habits. There are a lot of people in jail over money problems.
- Being human is having an ability to be responsible. Confidence is different from pride, and pressure sales people are good doubletalkers.
The Rules
- The rules are in terms that are conducive to trust.
- The Terms are the objects of the rules.
- A bank sells services related to money. Who's money? Yes.
- The goal of keeping the rules is the sane use of money.
- Time is real where money is concerned.
- You can earn your own money; receive it as a gift or benefit to spend; and you can save money for money and later. Savings accounts pay interest on the principle (sum deposited).
- Obligations of citizenship include taxation. (A feudal vestige of the early days of civilization.) Better to pay taxes than to suffer losses due to wild justice.
- Insurance is cheap emergency aid as well as a restriction to obtain priviledges like vehicle ownership and operation.
- Money makes a great gift. What you know about what it's for is common.
- If you have the misfortune of being summoned to court for a judgment, you have the priviledge of paying money to cover the due process instead of paying by wasting time in jail.
The Mathematics
- Both the keeping of savings and the lending of loans are paid for by interest. Interest is a fee in percent of some sum of money called Principle or Balance. The bank pays you to put money into a savings account; you pay the bank to borrow. Interest is calculated in terms of Principle and Time.
- EnCalc.com has provided the following calculator for compound interest...
Here are some more links:
Saturday, September 12, 2009

The search goes on
The fountain of ancient wonder has become the uncertainty of today's truth.
Luke 1:037 For with God nothing shall be impossible.
(yet "nothing" exists)
What is "safe browsing?"
BBC News low graphics
New York Times
The link below has free software but you have to pay to become a member.
More Software
(from Russia with love)
I like "File Hippo.com"
(Read the disclaimer in, "Terms and Conditions")
Friday, September 11, 2009
To know or not to know is not a question
Luke 24 15And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.
16But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.
31And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.
From the Book of First Corinthians: (46th bookof the KJV, 8th chapter, first verse)
46:008:001 Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.
46:008:002 And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.
46:008:003 But if any man love God, the same is known of him.
"There is no proof of ignorance more common than conceit of knowledge. Much may be known, when nothing is known to good purpose. And those who think they know any thing, and grow vain thereon, are the least likely to make good use of their knowledge."-Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, 1Cor8:1
"It is poetic imagination, not science, which presents Time as despotic lord of the world, with all the irresponsible frivolity of a child. It is mysticism, too, which leads Heraclitus to assert the identity of opposites: "Good and ill are one," he says; and again: "To God all things are fair and good and right, but men hold some things wrong and some right."
Much of mysticism underlies the ethics of Heraclitus. It is true that a scientific determinism alone might have inspired the statement:"Man's character is his fate"; but only a mystic would have said:
"Every beast is driven to the pasture with blows"; and again:
"It is hard to fight with one's heart's desire. Whatever it wishes to get, it purchases at the cost of soul"; and again:
"Wisdom is one thing. It is to know the thought by which all things are steered through all things."[1]"
Courtesy: -Project Gutenberg's Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays, by Bertrand Russell, [EBook #25447]
16But their eyes were holden that they should not know him.
31And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.
From the Book of First Corinthians: (46th bookof the KJV, 8th chapter, first verse)
46:008:001 Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.
46:008:002 And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.
46:008:003 But if any man love God, the same is known of him.
"There is no proof of ignorance more common than conceit of knowledge. Much may be known, when nothing is known to good purpose. And those who think they know any thing, and grow vain thereon, are the least likely to make good use of their knowledge."-Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, 1Cor8:1
"It is poetic imagination, not science, which presents Time as despotic lord of the world, with all the irresponsible frivolity of a child. It is mysticism, too, which leads Heraclitus to assert the identity of opposites: "Good and ill are one," he says; and again: "To God all things are fair and good and right, but men hold some things wrong and some right."
Much of mysticism underlies the ethics of Heraclitus. It is true that a scientific determinism alone might have inspired the statement:"Man's character is his fate"; but only a mystic would have said:
"Every beast is driven to the pasture with blows"; and again:
"It is hard to fight with one's heart's desire. Whatever it wishes to get, it purchases at the cost of soul"; and again:
"Wisdom is one thing. It is to know the thought by which all things are steered through all things."[1]"
Courtesy: -Project Gutenberg's Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays, by Bertrand Russell, [EBook #25447]
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Verses containing the word faith or some form of.
I went through the KJV and did a word search for, "faith". If you know search engines, they are different; some find whole words, some word parts, some both.
Here is the result:
God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it
To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong
That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgment, as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.
Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
And I will raise me up a faithful priest, that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind: and I will build him a sure house; and he shall walk before mine anointed for ever.
Then Ahimelech answered the king, and said, And who is so faithful among all thy servants as David, which is the king's son in law, and goeth at thy bidding, and is honourable in thine house?
The LORD render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness; for the LORD delivered thee into my hand to day, but I would not stretch forth mine hand against the LORD's anointed.
Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;
And sent Timotheus, our brother, and minister of God, and our fellowlabourer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith:
But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.
Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.
Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort.
And he charged them, saying, Thus shall ye do in the fear of the LORD, faithfully, and with a perfect heart.
And brought in the offerings and the tithes and the dedicated things faithfully: over which Cononiah the Levite was ruler, and Shimei his brother was the next.
And the men did the work faithfully: and the overseers of them were Jahath and Obadiah, the Levites, of the sons of Merari; and Zechariah and Meshullam, of the sons of the Kohathites, to set it forward; and other of the Levites, all that could skill of instruments of musick.
Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.
Not boasting of things without our measure, that is, of other men's labours; but having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly,
Not boasting of things without our measure, that is, of other men's labours; but having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly,
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;
(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
Therefore, as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also.
Moreover they reckoned not with the men, into whose hand they delivered the money to be bestowed on workmen: for they dealt faithfully.
Howbeit there was no reckoning made with them of the money that was delivered into their hand, because they dealt faithfully.
Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:
I am one of them that are peaceable and faithful in Israel: thou seekest to destroy a city and a mother in Israel: why wilt thou swallow up the inheritance of the LORD?
We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth;
And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.
When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.
And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers;
But wait, there's more...
For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith: and much people was added unto the Lord.
But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith.
The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed,
And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily.
Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
And after certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ.
To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.
And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch:
To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ.
All my state shall Tychicus declare unto you, who is a beloved brother, and a faithful minister and fellowservant in the Lord:
Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith.
Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.
One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.
Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.
Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.
Who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house.
For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
Ephraim compasseth me about with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit: but Judah yet ruleth with God, and is faithful with the saints.
I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the LORD.
How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.
And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.
O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.
Thus saith the LORD, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee.
And I took unto me faithful witnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah.
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
That's two pages' worth so far. There's three more...
My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.
And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD.
Then they said to Jeremiah, The LORD be a true and faithful witness between us, if we do not even according to all things for the which the LORD thy God shall send thee to us.
Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.
And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.
I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.
But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee.
When Jesus heard these things, he marvelled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.
And Jesus answering said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you, and suffer you? Bring thy son hither.
And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.
And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?
And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague
He answereth him, and saith, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me.
And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.
Which when Jesus perceived, he said unto them, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have brought no bread?
Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me.
Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.
And I made treasurers over the treasuries, Shelemiah the priest, and Zadok the scribe, and of the Levites, Pedaiah: and next to them was Hanan the son of Zaccur, the son of Mattaniah: for they were counted faithful, and their office was to distribute unto their brethren.
That I gave my brother Hanani, and Hananiah the ruler of the palace, charge over Jerusalem: for he was a faithful man, and feared God above many.
And foundest his heart faithful before thee, and madest a covenant with him to give the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Jebusites, and the Girgashites, to give it, I say, to his seed, and hast performed thy words; for thou art righteous:
My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.
Hearing of thy love and faith, which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all saints;
And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith;
Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.
And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.
A wicked messenger falleth into mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health.
A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?
As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.
The king that faithfully judgeth the poor, his throne shall be established for ever.
Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me.
I know, O LORD, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.
Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.
Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness.
O love the LORD, all ye his saints: for the LORD preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer.
Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds.
I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation.
For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue.
But turned back, and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers: they were turned aside like a deceitful bow.
Shall thy lovingkindness be declared in the grave? or thy faithfulness in destruction?
I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.
To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night,
And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:
But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)
Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.
But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:
For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith.
Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;
That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.
This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.
That's out of the whole KJV!
Here is the result:
God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it
To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong
That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgment, as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.
Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
And I will raise me up a faithful priest, that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind: and I will build him a sure house; and he shall walk before mine anointed for ever.
Then Ahimelech answered the king, and said, And who is so faithful among all thy servants as David, which is the king's son in law, and goeth at thy bidding, and is honourable in thine house?
The LORD render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness; for the LORD delivered thee into my hand to day, but I would not stretch forth mine hand against the LORD's anointed.
Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;
And sent Timotheus, our brother, and minister of God, and our fellowlabourer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith:
But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.
Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.
Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.
Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort.
And he charged them, saying, Thus shall ye do in the fear of the LORD, faithfully, and with a perfect heart.
And brought in the offerings and the tithes and the dedicated things faithfully: over which Cononiah the Levite was ruler, and Shimei his brother was the next.
And the men did the work faithfully: and the overseers of them were Jahath and Obadiah, the Levites, of the sons of Merari; and Zechariah and Meshullam, of the sons of the Kohathites, to set it forward; and other of the Levites, all that could skill of instruments of musick.
Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.
Not boasting of things without our measure, that is, of other men's labours; but having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly,
Not boasting of things without our measure, that is, of other men's labours; but having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly,
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;
(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
Therefore, as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also.
Moreover they reckoned not with the men, into whose hand they delivered the money to be bestowed on workmen: for they dealt faithfully.
Howbeit there was no reckoning made with them of the money that was delivered into their hand, because they dealt faithfully.
Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:
I am one of them that are peaceable and faithful in Israel: thou seekest to destroy a city and a mother in Israel: why wilt thou swallow up the inheritance of the LORD?
We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth;
And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.
When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.
And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers;
But wait, there's more...
For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith: and much people was added unto the Lord.
But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith.
The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed,
And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily.
Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
And after certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ.
To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.
And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch:
To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ.
All my state shall Tychicus declare unto you, who is a beloved brother, and a faithful minister and fellowservant in the Lord:
Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith.
Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.
One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.
Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.
Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.
Who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house.
For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
Ephraim compasseth me about with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit: but Judah yet ruleth with God, and is faithful with the saints.
I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the LORD.
How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.
And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.
O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.
Thus saith the LORD, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee.
And I took unto me faithful witnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah.
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
That's two pages' worth so far. There's three more...
My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.
And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD.
Then they said to Jeremiah, The LORD be a true and faithful witness between us, if we do not even according to all things for the which the LORD thy God shall send thee to us.
Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.
And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.
I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.
But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee.
When Jesus heard these things, he marvelled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.
And Jesus answering said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you, and suffer you? Bring thy son hither.
And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.
And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?
And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague
He answereth him, and saith, O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me.
And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.
Which when Jesus perceived, he said unto them, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have brought no bread?
Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me.
Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.
And I made treasurers over the treasuries, Shelemiah the priest, and Zadok the scribe, and of the Levites, Pedaiah: and next to them was Hanan the son of Zaccur, the son of Mattaniah: for they were counted faithful, and their office was to distribute unto their brethren.
That I gave my brother Hanani, and Hananiah the ruler of the palace, charge over Jerusalem: for he was a faithful man, and feared God above many.
And foundest his heart faithful before thee, and madest a covenant with him to give the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Jebusites, and the Girgashites, to give it, I say, to his seed, and hast performed thy words; for thou art righteous:
My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.
Hearing of thy love and faith, which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all saints;
And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith;
Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.
And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.
A wicked messenger falleth into mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health.
A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?
As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.
The king that faithfully judgeth the poor, his throne shall be established for ever.
Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me.
I know, O LORD, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.
Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.
Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness.
O love the LORD, all ye his saints: for the LORD preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer.
Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds.
I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation.
For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue.
But turned back, and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers: they were turned aside like a deceitful bow.
Shall thy lovingkindness be declared in the grave? or thy faithfulness in destruction?
I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.
To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night,
And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.
And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:
But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)
Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.
But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:
For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith.
Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;
That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.
This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.
That's out of the whole KJV!
How was faith defined in the Bible?

Hebrews Chapter 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
11:2 For by it the elders obtained a good report.
11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
11:4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.
11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.
11:8 By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.
11:9 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:
11:10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.
11:11 Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.
11:12 Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.
11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
11:14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.
11:15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.
11:16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.
11:17 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,
11:18 Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:
11:19 Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.
11:20 By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.
11:21 By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.
11:22 By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones.
11:23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment.
11:24 By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter;
11:25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
11:26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.
11:27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.
11:28 Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them.
11:29 By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned.
11:30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days.
11:31 By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.
11:32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:
11:33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,
11:34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.
11:35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
11:36 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:
11:37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
11:38 (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.
11:39 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:
11:40 God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
It Could be Scary
I chose the title from things I have heard people say over time. I won't supply the context in which it was passed to me, because I want to use it as a key in understanding changes in life.
When the Old Testament folks got a bit too complacent in their prosperity, indulgences, neglect, or pride of life, they would realise in due time that a curve ball was being pitched to wake them up.
In this thing we call life, some attributes of its character can compared to a ball game. Let's assume any major sporting event as a microcosm of human life only with specific rules for the players and observers.
And, anywhere within the domain of the event, there will be action and reaction. The event as a complete thought is also subsetted by smaller or shorter events. Man kicks ball, crowd moans. Man bats ball out of park, crowd goes wild. You may have seen these kind of headlines on the sports page of a newspaper.
Of course, the best and the worst have their chance to perform. The rest is in between. So, how does this example demonstrate some fact of life? The pattern of it is a recurrent abstract phenomenon with minor variations.
Look at this webpage for another example:
cyberspace security
From the edu domain in the address you can see this is an educational website. The rest of the address is a locus of the page on the system server where the page resides on a computer memory, somewhere in internet web cyberspace.
The gist of the comments are a recap of the title of this blog in that the conveniences of life have a dark side. A man builds a house part by part. He clears the land. He makes preparation for a foundation. He starts with the foundation. Then the walls, doors, rooms, windows, maybe another story, a roof, some extended accomodation to the adjacent environment, water, waste, power, heat, cooling, storage, furniture, appliances, etc. The list goes on.
Over time the house gets old and needs maintenance. Consumables have to be replenished. Consumed has to be managed for displacement. And so on, over time the system becomes more complex. With the complexity comes the increase in probability of error. Error in any form is defined as the undesireable onset of variation of expected value in event process.
The weather may turn stormy and the rain find a way into the inside. A leak, a neglected heat source, a break, are only a few examples where error starts to show up. The degree of damage that error does is proportional to the loss of value it changes. It can be all, or some.
Thus where one may think of nonconsumable items as being of a fixed value, the variation of the value is itself a variable. When the wisdom of the past tries to hand the keys of a life of good value to new beings, how those keys are used determine the effects of having keys.
There's a story of a man living in the first development project for housing workers in New Jersey. Most of them working in more than one state, but needing similar accomodations. The houses look very similar, strung together on look alike streets, and all having different door locks.
A worker stays out late one night, has a few spirits to ease his fatigue, and makes his way home. He gets disoriented, tries his door key in several doors before he realises he is on the street.
How emabarrasing for him when his neighbors turn cold thinking him to be a burglar. Today he would be confronted by the police if they see him or are called. The point is simply that he ran into trouble with the best of intents. Tarrytown, NJ is still there.
So, the point of the potential of fear and error is a wake up call for the compulsive perfectionist
19:127:001 Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that
build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh
but in vain.
How serious was vigilance in the days of old?
26:033:006 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the
trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and
take any person from among them, he is taken away in his
iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
28:009:008 The watchman of Ephraim was with my God: but the prophet is a
snare of a fowler in all his ways, and hatred in the house of
his God.
Oh, it got worse...
33:007:004 The best of them is as a brier: the most upright is sharper
than a thorn hedge: the day of thy watchmen and thy visitation
cometh; now shall be their perplexity.
And why?
24:051:012 Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch
strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the
LORD hath both devised and done that which he spake against
the inhabitants of Babylon.
25:004:017 As for us, our eyes as yet failed for our vain help: in our
watching we have watched for a nation that could not save us.
Ok, so what is the purpose of the Son of Man?
26:003:017 Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of
Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them
warning from me.
26:033:001 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
26:033:002 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto
them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the
land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their
27:004:013 I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a
watcher and an holy one came down from heaven;
Nebuchadnezzar's dream...
27:004:017 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand
by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living
may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and
giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the
basest of men.
35:002:002 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make
it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
35:002:003 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it
shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it;
because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
35:002:004 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but
the just shall live by his faith.
Now to the New Testament...
40:014:021 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside
women and children.
40:014:022 And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a
ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent
the multitudes away.
40:014:023 And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a
mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was
there alone.
40:014:024 But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with
waves: for the wind was contrary.
40:014:025 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them,
walking on the sea.
Here's watching again in terms of the Son of Man...
40:024:035 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass
40:024:036 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of
heaven, but my Father only.
40:024:037 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the
Son of man be.
40:024:038 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating
and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day
that Noe entered into the ark,
40:024:039 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so
shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40:024:040 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and
the other left.
40:024:041 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be
taken, and the other left.
40:024:042 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth
40:024:043 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in
what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and
would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
40:024:044 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think
not the Son of man cometh.
40:024:045 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath
made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due
40:024:046 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall
find so doing.
When the Old Testament folks got a bit too complacent in their prosperity, indulgences, neglect, or pride of life, they would realise in due time that a curve ball was being pitched to wake them up.
In this thing we call life, some attributes of its character can compared to a ball game. Let's assume any major sporting event as a microcosm of human life only with specific rules for the players and observers.
And, anywhere within the domain of the event, there will be action and reaction. The event as a complete thought is also subsetted by smaller or shorter events. Man kicks ball, crowd moans. Man bats ball out of park, crowd goes wild. You may have seen these kind of headlines on the sports page of a newspaper.
Of course, the best and the worst have their chance to perform. The rest is in between. So, how does this example demonstrate some fact of life? The pattern of it is a recurrent abstract phenomenon with minor variations.
Look at this webpage for another example:
cyberspace security
From the edu domain in the address you can see this is an educational website. The rest of the address is a locus of the page on the system server where the page resides on a computer memory, somewhere in internet web cyberspace.
The gist of the comments are a recap of the title of this blog in that the conveniences of life have a dark side. A man builds a house part by part. He clears the land. He makes preparation for a foundation. He starts with the foundation. Then the walls, doors, rooms, windows, maybe another story, a roof, some extended accomodation to the adjacent environment, water, waste, power, heat, cooling, storage, furniture, appliances, etc. The list goes on.
Over time the house gets old and needs maintenance. Consumables have to be replenished. Consumed has to be managed for displacement. And so on, over time the system becomes more complex. With the complexity comes the increase in probability of error. Error in any form is defined as the undesireable onset of variation of expected value in event process.
The weather may turn stormy and the rain find a way into the inside. A leak, a neglected heat source, a break, are only a few examples where error starts to show up. The degree of damage that error does is proportional to the loss of value it changes. It can be all, or some.
Thus where one may think of nonconsumable items as being of a fixed value, the variation of the value is itself a variable. When the wisdom of the past tries to hand the keys of a life of good value to new beings, how those keys are used determine the effects of having keys.
There's a story of a man living in the first development project for housing workers in New Jersey. Most of them working in more than one state, but needing similar accomodations. The houses look very similar, strung together on look alike streets, and all having different door locks.
A worker stays out late one night, has a few spirits to ease his fatigue, and makes his way home. He gets disoriented, tries his door key in several doors before he realises he is on the street.
How emabarrasing for him when his neighbors turn cold thinking him to be a burglar. Today he would be confronted by the police if they see him or are called. The point is simply that he ran into trouble with the best of intents. Tarrytown, NJ is still there.
So, the point of the potential of fear and error is a wake up call for the compulsive perfectionist
19:127:001 Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that
build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh
but in vain.
How serious was vigilance in the days of old?
26:033:006 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the
trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and
take any person from among them, he is taken away in his
iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
28:009:008 The watchman of Ephraim was with my God: but the prophet is a
snare of a fowler in all his ways, and hatred in the house of
his God.
Oh, it got worse...
33:007:004 The best of them is as a brier: the most upright is sharper
than a thorn hedge: the day of thy watchmen and thy visitation
cometh; now shall be their perplexity.
And why?
24:051:012 Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch
strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the
LORD hath both devised and done that which he spake against
the inhabitants of Babylon.
25:004:017 As for us, our eyes as yet failed for our vain help: in our
watching we have watched for a nation that could not save us.
Ok, so what is the purpose of the Son of Man?
26:003:017 Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of
Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them
warning from me.
26:033:001 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
26:033:002 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto
them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the
land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their
27:004:013 I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a
watcher and an holy one came down from heaven;
Nebuchadnezzar's dream...
27:004:017 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand
by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living
may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and
giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the
basest of men.
35:002:002 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make
it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
35:002:003 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it
shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it;
because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
35:002:004 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but
the just shall live by his faith.
Now to the New Testament...
40:014:021 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside
women and children.
40:014:022 And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a
ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent
the multitudes away.
40:014:023 And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a
mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was
there alone.
40:014:024 But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with
waves: for the wind was contrary.
40:014:025 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them,
walking on the sea.
Here's watching again in terms of the Son of Man...
40:024:035 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass
40:024:036 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of
heaven, but my Father only.
40:024:037 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the
Son of man be.
40:024:038 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating
and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day
that Noe entered into the ark,
40:024:039 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so
shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40:024:040 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and
the other left.
40:024:041 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be
taken, and the other left.
40:024:042 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth
40:024:043 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in
what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and
would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
40:024:044 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think
not the Son of man cometh.
40:024:045 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath
made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due
40:024:046 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall
find so doing.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Creation. Chance, Design, or Choice


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41:010:006 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and
41:013:018 And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter.
41:013:019 For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from
the beginning of the creation which God created unto this
time, neither shall be.
41:013:020 And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh
should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath
chosen, he hath shortened the days.
45:001:020 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world
are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are
made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are
without excuse:
45:001:021 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as
God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their
imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
45:001:022 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
45:001:023 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image
made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted
beasts, and creeping things.
45:001:024 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the
lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies
between themselves:
45:001:025 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and
served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for
ever. Amen.
Origins of the word, "authority".
This a partial study, since the work is not finished.
The word, "authority" has been a contentious subject for a very long measure of time. In fact it still remains an unsettled concept in most of the world. We can ask, in logic how are "authority" and "sovereign" related to "freedom".
A synonym of the word, "authority", is "sovereign".
From the Dictionary we found, "... Origin:
1250–1300; ME soverain (alter. by influence of reign ) < OF soverain <
VL *superānus, equiv. to L super- super- + -ānus -an
Related forms:
sov⋅er⋅eign⋅ly, adverb
1. emperor, empress, potentate. 3. government. 5. regal, majestic,
imperial, princely, monarchical, kingly, queenly. 7. chief, paramount,
principal, predominant. 10. effective, effectual. -http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sovereign
Why is God sovereign? Because people are not absolute, but relative to their existence.
In the Bible we find:
20:023:029 Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath
babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of
20:023:030 They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed
20:023:031 Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his
colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.
20:023:032 At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an
20:025:006 Put not forth thyself in the presence of the king, and stand
not in the place of great men:
20:025:007 For better it is that it be said unto thee, Come up hither;
than that thou shouldest be put lower in the presence of the
prince whom thine eyes have seen.
20:025:008 Go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou know not what to do
in the end thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame.
20:025:009 Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not
a secret to another:
20:025:010 Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamy
turn not away.
20:028:002 For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof:
but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof
shall be prolonged.
20:028:003 A poor man that oppresseth the poor is like a sweeping rain
which leaveth no food.
20:028:004 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep
the law contend with them.
20:029:009 If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage
or laugh, there is no rest.
21:003:011 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath
set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the
work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
(Book 21 is Ecclesiastes It's my belief that Jesus' wandering in the wilderness and the temptation are the analogy in syllogistic reality of the book of Ecclesiastes.)
21:004:007 Then I returned, and I saw vanity under the sun.
21:004:008 There is one alone, and there is not a second; yea, he hath
neither child nor brother: yet is there no end of all his
labour; neither is his eye satisfied with riches; neither
saith he, For whom do I labour, and bereave my soul of good?
This is also vanity, yea, it is a sore travail.
21:004:009 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for
their labour.
21:004:010 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to
him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to
help him up.
21:004:011 Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can
one be warm alone?
21:004:012 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a
threefold cord is not quickly broken.
21:004:013 Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish
king, who will no more be admonished.
21:004:014 For out of prison he cometh to reign; whereas also he that is
born in his kingdom becometh poor.
21:007:008 Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and
the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
21:007:014 In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of
adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the
other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.
21:012:012 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many
books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the
23:009:006 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the
government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be
called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting
Father, The Prince of Peace.
23:009:007 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no
23:029:016 Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as
the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him that made it,
He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that
framed it, He had no understanding?
23:029:017 Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned
into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be
esteemed as a forest?
23:029:018 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and
the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of
23:029:019 The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the
poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.
23:029:020 For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner is
consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off:
23:029:021 That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for
him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a
thing of nought.
23:041:010 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am
thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I
will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
23:041:011 Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be
ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they
that strive with thee shall perish.
23:041:012 Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that
contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as
nothing, and as a thing of nought.
In the time line of the Old and New Testaments, two sources of authority seem to have emerged.
Judgment and Power by advancement. However, caution is advised here because the perspective shifts between lead and follow.
Old testament leaders were obeyed and preserved. New Testament leadership is also advocative but sacrificial. The common issue is the sovereignty of truth in love, and the choices determining the resolve of the process of the cost. A greedy king can break a nation, and an unjust judge can break the people.
The critical progress from the old to the new was (and is) literacy. To incorporate literacy into the experience of virtual maturation.
More on this when the time is appropriate.
1. | the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine. |
2. | a power or right delegated or given; authorization: Who has the authority to grant permission? |
3. | a person or body of persons in whom authority is vested, as a governmental agency. |
4. | Usually, authorities. persons having the legal power to make and enforce the law; government: |
The word, "authority" has been a contentious subject for a very long measure of time. In fact it still remains an unsettled concept in most of the world. We can ask, in logic how are "authority" and "sovereign" related to "freedom".
A synonym of the word, "authority", is "sovereign".
From the Dictionary we found, "... Origin:
1250–1300; ME soverain (alter. by influence of reign ) < OF soverain <
VL *superānus, equiv. to L super- super- + -ānus -an
Related forms:
sov⋅er⋅eign⋅ly, adverb
1. emperor, empress, potentate. 3. government. 5. regal, majestic,
imperial, princely, monarchical, kingly, queenly. 7. chief, paramount,
principal, predominant. 10. effective, effectual. -http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sovereign
Why is God sovereign? Because people are not absolute, but relative to their existence.
In the Bible we find:
20:023:029 Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath
babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of
20:023:030 They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed
20:023:031 Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his
colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.
20:023:032 At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an
20:025:006 Put not forth thyself in the presence of the king, and stand
not in the place of great men:
20:025:007 For better it is that it be said unto thee, Come up hither;
than that thou shouldest be put lower in the presence of the
prince whom thine eyes have seen.
20:025:008 Go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou know not what to do
in the end thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame.
20:025:009 Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not
a secret to another:
20:025:010 Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamy
turn not away.
20:028:002 For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof:
but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof
shall be prolonged.
20:028:003 A poor man that oppresseth the poor is like a sweeping rain
which leaveth no food.
20:028:004 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep
the law contend with them.
20:029:009 If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage
or laugh, there is no rest.
21:003:011 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath
set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the
work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
(Book 21 is Ecclesiastes It's my belief that Jesus' wandering in the wilderness and the temptation are the analogy in syllogistic reality of the book of Ecclesiastes.)
21:004:007 Then I returned, and I saw vanity under the sun.
21:004:008 There is one alone, and there is not a second; yea, he hath
neither child nor brother: yet is there no end of all his
labour; neither is his eye satisfied with riches; neither
saith he, For whom do I labour, and bereave my soul of good?
This is also vanity, yea, it is a sore travail.
21:004:009 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for
their labour.
21:004:010 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to
him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to
help him up.
21:004:011 Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can
one be warm alone?
21:004:012 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a
threefold cord is not quickly broken.
21:004:013 Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish
king, who will no more be admonished.
21:004:014 For out of prison he cometh to reign; whereas also he that is
born in his kingdom becometh poor.
21:007:008 Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and
the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
21:007:014 In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of
adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the
other, to the end that man should find nothing after him.
21:012:012 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many
books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the
23:009:006 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the
government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be
called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting
Father, The Prince of Peace.
23:009:007 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no
23:029:016 Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as
the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him that made it,
He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that
framed it, He had no understanding?
23:029:017 Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned
into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be
esteemed as a forest?
23:029:018 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and
the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of
23:029:019 The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the
poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.
23:029:020 For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner is
consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off:
23:029:021 That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for
him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a
thing of nought.
23:041:010 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am
thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I
will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
23:041:011 Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be
ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they
that strive with thee shall perish.
23:041:012 Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that
contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as
nothing, and as a thing of nought.
In the time line of the Old and New Testaments, two sources of authority seem to have emerged.
Judgment and Power by advancement. However, caution is advised here because the perspective shifts between lead and follow.
Old testament leaders were obeyed and preserved. New Testament leadership is also advocative but sacrificial. The common issue is the sovereignty of truth in love, and the choices determining the resolve of the process of the cost. A greedy king can break a nation, and an unjust judge can break the people.
The critical progress from the old to the new was (and is) literacy. To incorporate literacy into the experience of virtual maturation.
More on this when the time is appropriate.
Friday, August 14, 2009
News, gossip, boasting, bragging, statements, etc.
20:025:025 As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far
40:004:023 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their
synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and
healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among
the people.
44:005:030 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and
hanged on a tree.
44:005:031 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a
Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of
44:005:032 And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the
Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.
44:005:033 When they heard that, they were cut to the heart, and took
counsel to slay them.
44:005:034 Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee, named
Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the
people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little
44:005:035 And said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves
what ye intend to do as touching these men.
44:005:036 For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be
somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined
themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him,
were scattered, and brought to nought.
44:005:037 After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the
taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished;
and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.
44:005:038 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them
alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will
come to nought:
44:005:039 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be
found even to fight against God.
the name of Jesus, and let them go.
As to bragging, ambiguous statements, ambivalence, or homonymic doubletalk, you are left to do a little study on and in the language of your choice.
42:008:015 But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and
good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth
fruit with patience.
An example of the ground breaking work of testimony is partially described here:
44:006:008 And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and
miracles among the people.
44:006:009 Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the
synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians,
and of them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen.
44:006:010 And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by
which he spake.
44:006:011 Then they suborned men, which said, We have heard him speak
blasphemous words against Moses, and against God.
44:006:012 And they stirred up the people, and the elders, and the
scribes, and came upon him, and caught him, and brought him to
the council,
40:004:023 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their
synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and
healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among
the people.
44:005:030 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and
hanged on a tree.
44:005:031 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a
Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of
44:005:032 And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the
Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.
44:005:033 When they heard that, they were cut to the heart, and took
counsel to slay them.
44:005:034 Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee, named
Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the
people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little
44:005:035 And said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves
what ye intend to do as touching these men.
44:005:036 For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be
somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined
themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him,
were scattered, and brought to nought.
44:005:037 After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the
taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished;
and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.
44:005:038 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them
alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will
come to nought:
44:005:039 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be
found even to fight against God.
But look at the action the crowd took in their (mis)understanding of the argument.
Premise: if this counsel or this work be of men,
Conclusion: it will come to nought:
Premise: But if it be of God,
Conclusion: ye cannot overthrow it
and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak inPremise: if this counsel or this work be of men,
Conclusion: it will come to nought:
Premise: But if it be of God,
Conclusion: ye cannot overthrow it
win-win. (2009). In Webster's New World College Dictionary
- Retrieved August 14th, 2009, from www.yourdictionary.com/win-win
the name of Jesus, and let them go.
As to bragging, ambiguous statements, ambivalence, or homonymic doubletalk, you are left to do a little study on and in the language of your choice.
42:008:015 But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and
good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth
fruit with patience.
An example of the ground breaking work of testimony is partially described here:
44:006:008 And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and
miracles among the people.
44:006:009 Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the
synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians,
and of them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen.
44:006:010 And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by
which he spake.
44:006:011 Then they suborned men, which said, We have heard him speak
blasphemous words against Moses, and against God.
44:006:012 And they stirred up the people, and the elders, and the
scribes, and came upon him, and caught him, and brought him to
the council,
45:012:014 Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.
45:012:015 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that
45:012:016 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things,
but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own
45:012:017 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in
the sight of all men.
45:012:018 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably
with all men.
45:012:019 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place
unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will
repay, saith the Lord.
45:012:020 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give
him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on
his head.
45:012:021 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
45:013:001 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is
no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
45:013:002 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the
ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to
themselves damnation.
45:012:014 Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.
45:012:015 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that
45:012:016 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things,
but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own
45:012:017 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in
the sight of all men.
45:012:018 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably
with all men.
45:012:019 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place
unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will
repay, saith the Lord.
45:012:020 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give
him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on
his head.
45:012:021 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
45:013:001 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is
no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
45:013:002 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the
ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to
themselves damnation.
Sacrificing the knowledge to worship the proof
Education as an institution like all things has a dark side. The presumption of the "blank slate" of mind is to blame for the failure of the necessary transference of evidence for truth as evidence of truth. Not unlike a Modus Ponens syllogism;
Facts are true.
Truth is facts.
Therefore, facts are truth.
No, not so. Facts are facts. Truth is truth.
Looking for the facts of the truth, I lost the truth for the facts.
Looking for the truth, I found the facts.
I have knowledge of facts, but truth remains to be determined.
2.22 What a picture represents it represents independently of its truth or
falsity, by means of its pictorial form.
2.221 What a picture represents is its sense.
2.222 The agreement or disagreement or its sense with reality constitutes
its truth or falsity.
2.224 It is impossible to tell from the picture alone whether it is true or
3.031 It used to be said that God could create anything except what would
be contrary to the laws of logic. The truth is that we could not say what an
'illogical' world would look like.
4.46 Among the possible groups of truth-conditions there are two
extreme cases. In one of these cases the proposition is true for all
the truth-possibilities of the elementary propositions. We say that
the truth-conditions are tautological. In the second case the
proposition is false for all the truth-possibilities: the
truth-conditions are contradictory . In the first case we call the
proposition a tautology; in the second, a contradiction.
4.461 Propositions show what they say; tautologies and contradictions show
that they say nothing. A tautology has no truth-conditions, since it is
unconditionally true: and a contradiction is true on no condition.
Tautologies and contradictions lack sense. (Like a point from which two
arrows go out in opposite directions to one another.) (For example, I know
nothing about the weather when I know that it is either raining or not
4.46211 Tautologies and contradictions are not, however, nonsensical. They
are part of the symbolism, much as '0' is part of the symbolism of
4.462 Tautologies and contradictions are not pictures of reality. They do
not represent any possible situations. For the former admit all possible
situations, and latter none. In a tautology the conditions of agreement
with the world--the representational relations--cancel one another, so that
it does not stand in any representational relation to reality.
4.463 The truth-conditions of a proposition determine the range that it
leaves open to the facts. (A proposition, a picture, or a model is, in the
negative sense, like a solid body that restricts the freedom of movement of
others, and in the positive sense, like a space bounded by solid substance
in which there is room for a body.) A tautology leaves open to reality the
whole--the infinite whole--of logical space: a contradiction fills the
whole of logical space leaving no point of it for reality. Thus neither of
them can determine reality in any way.
4.464 A tautology's truth is certain, a proposition's possible, a
contradiction's impossible. (Certain, possible, impossible: here we have
the first indication of the scale that we need in the theory of
4.465 The logical product of a tautology and a proposition says the same
thing as the proposition. This product, therefore, is identical with the
proposition. For it is impossible to alter what is essential to a symbol
without altering its sense.
4.466 What corresponds to a determinate logical combination of signs is a
determinate logical combination of their meanings. It is only to the
uncombined signs that absolutely any combination corresponds. In other
words, propositions that are true for every situation cannot be
combinations of signs at all, since, if they were, only determinate
combinations of objects could correspond to them. (And what is not a
logical combination has no combination of objects corresponding to it.)
Tautology and contradiction are the limiting cases--indeed the
disintegration--of the combination of signs.
6.2321 And the possibility of proving the propositions of mathematics means
simply that their correctness can be perceived without its being necessary
that what they express should itself be compared with the facts in order to
determine its correctness.
6.2322 It is impossible to assert the identity of meaning of two
expressions. For in order to be able to assert anything about their
meaning, I must know their meaning, and I cannot know their meaning without
knowing whether what they mean is the same or different.
6.43 If the good or bad exercise of the will does alter the world, it can
alter only the limits of the world, not the facts--not what can be
expressed by means of language. In short the effect must be that it becomes
an altogether different world. It must, so to speak, wax and wane as a
whole. The world of the happy man is a different one from that of the
unhappy man.
6.1251 Hence there can never be surprises in logic.
6.126 One can calculate whether a proposition belongs to logic, by
calculating the logical properties of the symbol. And this is what we do
when we 'prove' a logical proposition. For, without bothering about sense
or meaning, we construct the logical proposition out of others using only
rules that deal with signs . The proof of logical propositions consists in
the following process: we produce them out of other logical propositions by
successively applying certain operations that always generate further
tautologies out of the initial ones. (And in fact only tautologies follow
from a tautology.) Of course this way of showing that the propositions of
logic are tautologies is not at all essential to logic, if only because the
propositions from which the proof starts must show without any proof that
they are tautologies.
6.1261 In logic process and result are equivalent. (Hence the absence of
6.24 The method by which mathematics arrives at its equations is the method
of substitution. For equations express the substitutability of two
expressions and, starting from a number of equations, we advance to new
equations by substituting different expressions in accordance with the
6.362 What can be described can happen too: and what the law of causality
is meant to exclude cannot even be described.
6.363 The procedure of induction consists in accepting as true the simplest
law that can be reconciled with our experiences.
6.3631 This procedure, however, has no logical justification but only a
psychological one. It is clear that there are no grounds for believing that
the simplest eventuality will in fact be realized.
6.36311 It is an hypothesis that the sun will rise tomorrow: and this means
that we do not know whether it will rise.
6.37 There is no compulsion making one thing happen because another has
happened. The only necessity that exists is logical necessity.
6.371 The whole modern conception of the world is founded on the illusion
that the so-called laws of nature are the explanations of natural
6.4312 Not only is there no guarantee of the temporal immortality of the
human soul, that is to say of its eternal survival after death; but, in any
case, this assumption completely fails to accomplish the purpose for which
it has always been intended. Or is some riddle solved by my surviving for
ever? Is not this eternal life itself as much of a riddle as our present
life? The solution of the riddle of life in space and time lies outside
space and time. (It is certainly not the solution of any problems of
natural science that is required.)
-Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
by Ludwig Wittgenstein
Facts are true.
Truth is facts.
Therefore, facts are truth.
No, not so. Facts are facts. Truth is truth.
Looking for the facts of the truth, I lost the truth for the facts.
Looking for the truth, I found the facts.
I have knowledge of facts, but truth remains to be determined.
2.22 What a picture represents it represents independently of its truth or
falsity, by means of its pictorial form.
2.221 What a picture represents is its sense.
2.222 The agreement or disagreement or its sense with reality constitutes
its truth or falsity.
2.224 It is impossible to tell from the picture alone whether it is true or
3.031 It used to be said that God could create anything except what would
be contrary to the laws of logic. The truth is that we could not say what an
'illogical' world would look like.
4.46 Among the possible groups of truth-conditions there are two
extreme cases. In one of these cases the proposition is true for all
the truth-possibilities of the elementary propositions. We say that
the truth-conditions are tautological. In the second case the
proposition is false for all the truth-possibilities: the
truth-conditions are contradictory . In the first case we call the
proposition a tautology; in the second, a contradiction.
4.461 Propositions show what they say; tautologies and contradictions show
that they say nothing. A tautology has no truth-conditions, since it is
unconditionally true: and a contradiction is true on no condition.
Tautologies and contradictions lack sense. (Like a point from which two
arrows go out in opposite directions to one another.) (For example, I know
nothing about the weather when I know that it is either raining or not
4.46211 Tautologies and contradictions are not, however, nonsensical. They
are part of the symbolism, much as '0' is part of the symbolism of
4.462 Tautologies and contradictions are not pictures of reality. They do
not represent any possible situations. For the former admit all possible
situations, and latter none. In a tautology the conditions of agreement
with the world--the representational relations--cancel one another, so that
it does not stand in any representational relation to reality.
4.463 The truth-conditions of a proposition determine the range that it
leaves open to the facts. (A proposition, a picture, or a model is, in the
negative sense, like a solid body that restricts the freedom of movement of
others, and in the positive sense, like a space bounded by solid substance
in which there is room for a body.) A tautology leaves open to reality the
whole--the infinite whole--of logical space: a contradiction fills the
whole of logical space leaving no point of it for reality. Thus neither of
them can determine reality in any way.
4.464 A tautology's truth is certain, a proposition's possible, a
contradiction's impossible. (Certain, possible, impossible: here we have
the first indication of the scale that we need in the theory of
4.465 The logical product of a tautology and a proposition says the same
thing as the proposition. This product, therefore, is identical with the
proposition. For it is impossible to alter what is essential to a symbol
without altering its sense.
4.466 What corresponds to a determinate logical combination of signs is a
determinate logical combination of their meanings. It is only to the
uncombined signs that absolutely any combination corresponds. In other
words, propositions that are true for every situation cannot be
combinations of signs at all, since, if they were, only determinate
combinations of objects could correspond to them. (And what is not a
logical combination has no combination of objects corresponding to it.)
Tautology and contradiction are the limiting cases--indeed the
disintegration--of the combination of signs.
6.2321 And the possibility of proving the propositions of mathematics means
simply that their correctness can be perceived without its being necessary
that what they express should itself be compared with the facts in order to
determine its correctness.
6.2322 It is impossible to assert the identity of meaning of two
expressions. For in order to be able to assert anything about their
meaning, I must know their meaning, and I cannot know their meaning without
knowing whether what they mean is the same or different.
6.43 If the good or bad exercise of the will does alter the world, it can
alter only the limits of the world, not the facts--not what can be
expressed by means of language. In short the effect must be that it becomes
an altogether different world. It must, so to speak, wax and wane as a
whole. The world of the happy man is a different one from that of the
unhappy man.
6.1251 Hence there can never be surprises in logic.
6.126 One can calculate whether a proposition belongs to logic, by
calculating the logical properties of the symbol. And this is what we do
when we 'prove' a logical proposition. For, without bothering about sense
or meaning, we construct the logical proposition out of others using only
rules that deal with signs . The proof of logical propositions consists in
the following process: we produce them out of other logical propositions by
successively applying certain operations that always generate further
tautologies out of the initial ones. (And in fact only tautologies follow
from a tautology.) Of course this way of showing that the propositions of
logic are tautologies is not at all essential to logic, if only because the
propositions from which the proof starts must show without any proof that
they are tautologies.
6.1261 In logic process and result are equivalent. (Hence the absence of
6.24 The method by which mathematics arrives at its equations is the method
of substitution. For equations express the substitutability of two
expressions and, starting from a number of equations, we advance to new
equations by substituting different expressions in accordance with the
6.362 What can be described can happen too: and what the law of causality
is meant to exclude cannot even be described.
6.363 The procedure of induction consists in accepting as true the simplest
law that can be reconciled with our experiences.
6.3631 This procedure, however, has no logical justification but only a
psychological one. It is clear that there are no grounds for believing that
the simplest eventuality will in fact be realized.
6.36311 It is an hypothesis that the sun will rise tomorrow: and this means
that we do not know whether it will rise.
6.37 There is no compulsion making one thing happen because another has
happened. The only necessity that exists is logical necessity.
6.371 The whole modern conception of the world is founded on the illusion
that the so-called laws of nature are the explanations of natural
6.4312 Not only is there no guarantee of the temporal immortality of the
human soul, that is to say of its eternal survival after death; but, in any
case, this assumption completely fails to accomplish the purpose for which
it has always been intended. Or is some riddle solved by my surviving for
ever? Is not this eternal life itself as much of a riddle as our present
life? The solution of the riddle of life in space and time lies outside
space and time. (It is certainly not the solution of any problems of
natural science that is required.)
-Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
by Ludwig Wittgenstein
Thursday, August 13, 2009
This answered me.
Milk and honey,
Blood and money.
A new day dawns,
And all is sunny.
23:007:015 Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the
evil, and choose the good.
016:017 Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing
of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee.
034:001 Furthermore Elihu answered and said,
18:034:003 For the ear trieth words, as the mouth tasteth meat.
18:034:004 Let us choose to us judgment: let us know among ourselves what
is good.
18:034:033 Should it be according to thy mind? he will recompense it,
whether thou refuse, or whether thou choose; and not I:
therefore speak what thou knowest.
19:025:012 What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in
the way that he shall choose.
20:001:029 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of
the LORD:
23:066:004 I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears
upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I
spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes,
and chose that in which I delighted not.
YOU HAVE NO REMEDIES FOR NEGLIGENCE (from the legal notice accompanying the document the verses are quoted from.)
18:021:013 They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to
the grave.
18:021:015 What is the Almighty, that we should serve him? and what
profit should we have, if we pray unto him?
20:002:011 Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee:
20:002:012 To deliver thee from the way of the evil man, from the man
that speaketh froward things;
21:005:009 Moreover the profit of the earth is for all: the king himself
is served by the field.
The curse for making it worse...
24:016:011 Then shalt thou say unto them, Because your fathers have
forsaken me, saith the LORD, and have walked after other gods,
and have served them, and have worshipped them, and have
forsaken me, and have not kept my law;
24:016:012 And ye have done worse than your fathers; for, behold, ye walk
every one after the imagination of his evil heart, that they
may not hearken unto me:
24:016:013 Therefore will I cast you out of this land into a land that ye
know not, neither ye nor your fathers; and there shall ye
serve other gods day and night; where I will not shew you
40:004:010 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is
written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only
shalt thou serve.
What was Jesus executed for? He cursed the authorities, judges, and enforcers of the law for failure to fulfill the promise of keeping the law.
40:023:024 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
42:022:027 For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that
serveth? is not he that sitteth at meat? but I am among you as
he that serveth.
42:005:038 But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are
New wine represents new life. New bottles are respect for the difference between clean innocence and filthy indulgence.
You can raise a child in a pig pen, and you can say pigs are fun, but you can't stop the child from playing with pigs.
You are what you are.
You are not what you will be.
You cannot be what you were.
You are not what you think you are.
You are not what you pretend to be.
If God is truth,
You are what both you and God know you are, knew you were, and will be.
Does God know how this is?
20:014:015 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh
well to his going.
20:014:022 Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be
to them that devise good.
20:008:005 O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an
understanding heart.
20:007:007 And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the
youths, a young man void of understanding,
19:116:006 The LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he
helped me.
20:001:022 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the
scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
45:016:017 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions
and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned;
and avoid them.
45:016:018 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but
their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive
the hearts of the simple.
20:001:032 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the
prosperity of fools shall destroy them.
45:016:019 For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad
therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto
that which is good, and simple concerning evil.
41:011:022 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
41:011:023 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this
mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and
shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those
things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have
whatsoever he saith.
40:021:032 For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye
believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed
him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that
ye might believe him.
40:027:041 Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes
and elders, said,
40:027:042 He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of
Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will
believe him.
40:027:043 He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have
him: for he said, I am the Son of God.
40:027:044 The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same
in his teeth.
40:027:045 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land
unto the ninth hour.
41:009:042 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that
believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were
hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
41:005:036 As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto
the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe.
41:009:024 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said
with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.
41:011:024 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when
ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
41:016:008 And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for
they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to
any man; for they were afraid.
41:016:009 Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he
appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast
seven devils.
41:016:010 And she went and told them that had been with him, as they
mourned and wept.
41:016:011 And they, when they had heard that he was alive, and had been
seen of her, believed not.
41:016:012 After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as
they walked, and went into the country.
41:016:013 And they went and told it unto the residue: neither believed
they them.
41:016:014 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and
upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart,
because they believed not them which had seen him after he was
41:016:015 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach
the gospel to every creature.
41:016:016 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that
believeth not shall be damned.
41:016:017 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name
shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
41:016:018 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly
thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the
sick, and they shall recover.
41:016:019 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received
up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
45:016:020 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet
04:006:024 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
04:006:025 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto
04:006:026 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee
Blood and money.
A new day dawns,
And all is sunny.
23:007:015 Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the
evil, and choose the good.
016:017 Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing
of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee.
034:001 Furthermore Elihu answered and said,
18:034:003 For the ear trieth words, as the mouth tasteth meat.
18:034:004 Let us choose to us judgment: let us know among ourselves what
is good.
18:034:033 Should it be according to thy mind? he will recompense it,
whether thou refuse, or whether thou choose; and not I:
therefore speak what thou knowest.
19:025:012 What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in
the way that he shall choose.
20:001:029 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of
the LORD:
23:066:004 I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears
upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I
spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes,
and chose that in which I delighted not.
YOU HAVE NO REMEDIES FOR NEGLIGENCE (from the legal notice accompanying the document the verses are quoted from.)
18:021:013 They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to
the grave.
18:021:015 What is the Almighty, that we should serve him? and what
profit should we have, if we pray unto him?
20:002:011 Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee:
20:002:012 To deliver thee from the way of the evil man, from the man
that speaketh froward things;
21:005:009 Moreover the profit of the earth is for all: the king himself
is served by the field.
The curse for making it worse...
24:016:011 Then shalt thou say unto them, Because your fathers have
forsaken me, saith the LORD, and have walked after other gods,
and have served them, and have worshipped them, and have
forsaken me, and have not kept my law;
24:016:012 And ye have done worse than your fathers; for, behold, ye walk
every one after the imagination of his evil heart, that they
may not hearken unto me:
24:016:013 Therefore will I cast you out of this land into a land that ye
know not, neither ye nor your fathers; and there shall ye
serve other gods day and night; where I will not shew you
40:004:010 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is
written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only
shalt thou serve.
What was Jesus executed for? He cursed the authorities, judges, and enforcers of the law for failure to fulfill the promise of keeping the law.
40:023:024 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
42:022:027 For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that
serveth? is not he that sitteth at meat? but I am among you as
he that serveth.
42:005:038 But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are
New wine represents new life. New bottles are respect for the difference between clean innocence and filthy indulgence.
You can raise a child in a pig pen, and you can say pigs are fun, but you can't stop the child from playing with pigs.
You are what you are.
You are not what you will be.
You cannot be what you were.
You are not what you think you are.
You are not what you pretend to be.
If God is truth,
You are what both you and God know you are, knew you were, and will be.
Does God know how this is?
20:014:015 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh
well to his going.
20:014:022 Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be
to them that devise good.
20:008:005 O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an
understanding heart.
20:007:007 And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the
youths, a young man void of understanding,
19:116:006 The LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he
helped me.
20:001:022 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the
scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
45:016:017 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions
and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned;
and avoid them.
45:016:018 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but
their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive
the hearts of the simple.
20:001:032 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the
prosperity of fools shall destroy them.
45:016:019 For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad
therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto
that which is good, and simple concerning evil.
41:011:022 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
41:011:023 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this
mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and
shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those
things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have
whatsoever he saith.
40:021:032 For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye
believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed
him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that
ye might believe him.
40:027:041 Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes
and elders, said,
40:027:042 He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of
Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will
believe him.
40:027:043 He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have
him: for he said, I am the Son of God.
40:027:044 The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same
in his teeth.
40:027:045 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land
unto the ninth hour.
41:009:042 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that
believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were
hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
41:005:036 As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto
the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe.
41:009:024 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said
with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.
41:011:024 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when
ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
41:016:008 And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for
they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to
any man; for they were afraid.
41:016:009 Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he
appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast
seven devils.
41:016:010 And she went and told them that had been with him, as they
mourned and wept.
41:016:011 And they, when they had heard that he was alive, and had been
seen of her, believed not.
41:016:012 After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as
they walked, and went into the country.
41:016:013 And they went and told it unto the residue: neither believed
they them.
41:016:014 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and
upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart,
because they believed not them which had seen him after he was
41:016:015 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach
the gospel to every creature.
41:016:016 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that
believeth not shall be damned.
41:016:017 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name
shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
41:016:018 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly
thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the
sick, and they shall recover.
41:016:019 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received
up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
45:016:020 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet
04:006:024 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
04:006:025 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto
04:006:026 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee
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